Zenith Music International

Zenith Studio

ZMI - Wellness & Performance

The Zenith Music International website has long had a Wellness & Performance page. 

Performance, as applicable to a musical focus, or applicable to the execution of each person's day regardless of profession or avocation, matters! We are called to do our best... our Zenith!

I've had a focus in my life to understand and access those things that help maximize health and the ability to perform. In music, I've seen those whose lives were permanently impacted by immune, bone-muscle-joint, cognitive, cardiovascular, and other issues. This applies to people in every walk of life. To maximize our energy, preventive health and vitality, is akin to the artistic path of proactive development.
At this time, this thought process and these resources are ever more apt and significant. 

You will find updates and new material on the ZMI Wellness and Performance page. 

The page will be fluid in that as new technologies, concepts or resource arises, they will be added. 

Also, you'll find a link to the Zenith Health International Facebook Page - 
facebook.com/ZenithforU, and are invited to be in touch with ZHI via 
the contact page at zhealthintl.com. The ZHI Unicity Source website is:

Note that Unicity can be sourced internationally. Visit unicity.com and click on the flag 
in the upper right corner of the page. You can select your country from the list. You will need my ID which is 21297801, and can access all resources with it. 

I have Compliance Approved videos posted re Immune Health https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNIOVitWDQA  and other wellness topics. There are more that will be posted in the Zenith Health International channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqnOLg2WIaWLmel5UsWLRDw. For those that are Unicity Product specific, the coordinating pdfs are posted on the ZMI Wellness Page. 

The ZHI - Environmental & Personal Wellness Resources pdf is a 7 page (and expanding regularly) outline of concepts and resources you can consider for personal, home  & office, and business spaces - including rehearsal halls and concert venues. It includes things you can easily do to improve your environmental cleanliness, avoid cross contamination, and support your personal and emotional well-being. Information on this document is appropriate to individuals and businesses large and small, including orchestras and conservatories. I am here for additional reference and questions. To receive the ZHI - Environmental & Personal Wellness Resources pdf, simply visit zhealthintl.com and send an email via the Contact Us Page

Lastly, there are a number of contemporary resources such as UV-C devices, personal ionic devices and water purification systems (both portable and for the home) that I am reviewing. In the music field, and for us all, as we consider our environments, these will be items that can give extra wellness support. 

If you have a specific need or questions, you're welcome to be in touch!

Take care and every best to you and your health!

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